Well, I'm back in Canada and at the end of my first week of work. My time in Zimbabwe was absolutely awesome - I managed to spend time with my family and friends - something which I was sorely missing in Canada.
Went to Victoria Falls and threw myself off the bridge (I was pushed!!) and then went white water rafting with my dad! Some things I'll never forget - and the entire time in Vic Falls is one of those.
Spent a weekend with my friends at Mazvikadei just hanging out and chatting and catching up - good times!
Had the New Years party at my house, while my folks were still in Vic Falls (yes they knew about it and condoned it!), and it was pretty darned good! I actually managed to stay up until about 7 in the morning - at which point I excused myself from everyone and crashed!
The trip back was pretty bad - cramped in cattle class for more hours than I would like to mention, and then, because it is holiday season, managed to miss my connecting flight, and then missed the rescheduled flight as well (neither was actually my fault - planes arriving late and bad planning for check-in) .