Before I start jst wanted to send a pic which I took from my apartment the other week - I just thought it was a nice composition - this is just before dawn with the moon still visable... The resolution on this is much lower than the original, but you get the idea!

I've had a hectic couple of months with work, as there were a number of tight deadlines, and some of the work we were doing was new for a few people so that jst exasperated the whole situation to a point! I think (touch wood) that everything is going to start slowing down here now, as the major hump has passed... We'll have to see though! I can definitely say that in terms of work these have been the toughest months I have ever gone through, but overall I survived so thats the positive!
On a social front not much has really been happening, I have been going to a church small group/bible study type group every fortnight, which has been good, so have met a few people from there... But as seems to be the case with most people across here they have specific groups of people they meet for specific things, and those don't generally cross over...
One of the guys from the Zimbabwe office (Henry) recently joined the Calgary office, so the partner agreed to fly me over there to assist for a couple of days to help with his onboarding. It was a good time, awesome to see him, and just to hang out for a bit. He's a great guy, and I think he will do well in Canada! Also got to spend a bit of time with Jen and Adam over there, so that was really good too... Here's a pic of Henry out at dinner the night I got there!

Oh it was also my birthday here a few weeks back, but that was kept rather low key, got a number of birthday wishes which was great, and a couple of people bought me little gifts. I also received a parcel from home with a gift and card from the folks, which was awesome, I have that pinned up (the card) in my cubicle...
Looking ahead there are a few things which are coming up which the office has organised or people at the office are holding... I am going to a couple of "wedding socials" here soon - and these are basically parties where they sell tickets to try raise money for a wedding. So that should jst be a good party. Then the office has organised an evening where we are going for dinner and then to watch a hockey game, so that will be nice to chat with people outside of work.
For easter I am going skiing in Banff with Casey, who I met back in Zimbabwe over new year. Neither of us have been skiing so the one day when we were chatting we decided to go! She's flying across on the Thursday night and we are heading up for a few days over easter weekend. I am really looking forward to that coz it should be really good fun, I'll get to spend time with Casey, see Jen and Adam and probably Henry, and I get to try out skiing. Apparently it is really beautiful up there, so I will try take tons of photos and post a couple up here!
Other than that I can't think of much which is really happening, its a Thursday lunchtime and I just thought (after prompting from a couple of people recently) that I should update my blog... As I always say, I'll try and make this more regular (even though I think I have been pretty regular, if not frequent :P)
Hope everyone is well, and email me sometime, its always good to hear from everyone!!