I'm doing well and continue moving onward (and hopefully upward) with my Canadian experience!
Most of my travel has been to Calgary in the past few months, although I managed to travel to Dallas for work once. As for work, it's been busy, but that's good for keeping me out of nonesense...
I got my license a few weeks back, and am currently looking for a car, which is no easy feat, with a large portion of the cars being American - and I really don't know them at all! I'll probably end up getting a Honda or Toyota.
I'm slowly starting to make friends here, but it has not been easy going... Being mobile will make a big difference I suspect.
I'm hopefully coming home for Christmas and New Year, which will be awesome as I am really missing eveyone back home!
This week I started the ball rolling for permanent residency here, as the goal is to be rid of the "curse of the green mamba" as soon as possible!
As always I love hearing from people, so give me a shout sometime!
Until next time, this is Geoff signing off.