Wednesday, December 14, 2005

In the Google stand at Heathrow airport

Right - firstly excuse me if this post is a little less than comprehensive and readible... I have just gotten off a plane from Toronto - not slept much - and it is about 4:44 am Winnipeg time... but it is all good as I AM GOING HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!! I am so excited!

I was walking by and saw something and thought - deja vu - the google stand at heathrow. I saw pics of it online and yeah - i walked in - sat down and am now creating a post to my blog.

I know I havent posted for a while - and wont even start trying to explain why...

So for everyone who is in Zim or will be there over the christmas holidays - please get in touch - i would love to hear from everyone and catch up if possible...

I will likely be back - coz i have a long wait here and there is not much else for me to do here!!!

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