Its as if I won the lottery, well not quite... But close! I got my US Visa, and lo and behold I check it to see the number of entries, and I dont see a "1", I see something that I had to confirm with the security guard - a "M". That means I can come and go to the "land of the free" (sic) as much as I like for the next year... I think the Visa guy must have been charmed by my *unamused* conversational skills at the interview, where after getting to the consulate at 8:30am I eventually got into my face to face interview at 12:26, which lasted a total of 4 minutes, most of the time of which I was explaining how to identify controls in an IT environment (hey he wanted to know what I did...)
So I'm going to LA next week-ish, more on that in later posts!
Maybe the Green Mamba is not so lethal as you thought - or maybe you are more charming than everyone believed - whichever/whatever - we are chuffed- make the most of it!!
Congrats little cousin, next on the to do list is get a new passprt as well.Well done though, good to hear.
Yay! Its always a good feeling, isn't it? Glad it worked out!
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