Sitting on some rocks overlooking the North Sea, listening to the constant, yet irregular flurry of waves, and I think what would I have done without this experience, this change to outflow and think about life and the direction I am going.
This is helluva dramatic as images go, sitting on the edge of a fatally compelling stretch of water. Only the other day I heard on the news of a fishing trawler going missing with all crew.
Although my line of work is nowhere near as risky, it does make me wonder; did those men love what they did? Were they the lucky ones who do something they loved, and so were the so-envious exception to the rule - don't live to work, but work so that you can live...?
I'm in no way in a position to advise anyone on this as I am currently going through the internal debate myself as to what do I want to do with my life? There are, as I can see it, two possible solutions (NOT outcomes, as many different outcomes do not solve the quandry)
The first is the more risk adverse, obvious response, which is to find a job which suits your basic skillset, and that allows you to live. (Work to LIVE)
The second is much more difficult as it requires one to look deep inside oneself and try to come up with creative solutions to allow you to do what you are passionate about as a career. Already I hear groans from people as I say this, because people are sick of hearing this and are saying "there are not many positions as flying kites <<>>" (I'm on a beach, and there are kites about, cut me some slack with the images ;) Possibly the true solution to all of this is breaking down the specific elements that you enjoy, and then try to find careers that allows you to match those.
I'm not a career guidance person, no matter what I may profess after a beer or two, so don't ask me for a customised, detail 10 step program. This may go into a book one day, this may not, I just wanted to ramble a bit, get some thoughts down onto paper. Let me know what you think, any suggestions or comments are appreciated!
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