Monday, September 21, 2009

No longer really posting here

Why hello, if you're still visiting here to see if I have updated, thank you and congratulations on your dedication to knowing what I'm up to... However as you have no doubt realised, I am not very good at blogging and keeping this updated at all...

As such, I have started a new site Zimbo in Canada which is really a feed of all of my other online presences, i.e. my twitter updates, my facebook updates, my friend's facebook updates, my flickr updates and finally my google reader shared items. I'd urge you to go check it out, as I'll not be posting here very often going forward, and wont be posting there often either, but the other elements are automatically updated, so you will be able to see the latest of anything I am actually doing online (apart from work).

Thanks again for visiting, and look forward to hearing from you!

1 comment:

hsn said...