Friday, July 22, 2005

London bombings

I'm sure most of you got my email "Roll Call" the other week to find out if you were affected by the blasts at all. I was very concerned as I know a LOT of people who are in the UK and in London specifically. Luckily no-one that I know was actually affected at all.

The latest couple of bombs that were found on busses are a worry tho. It just shows how vulnerable society is to these sort of threats. Even with the whole city still at a heightened state of emergency these bombs found their way onto the busses.

I heard on the news last night (I was listening to some American channel) that people travelling by the underground and busses may encounter similar precautions as the ones in airports to check baggage etc. I shudder to think what sort of chaos would prevail if everyone had to be checked before jumping on public transport... Everyone would have to leave an hour earlier everyday just to compensate for these checks!!

Its crazy, but it may actually be necessary. Not sure what the end impact of these bombings is going to be, but one thing is for sure, it is definitely raising the temperature in a pressure cooker which is already steaming...

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