Saturday, August 06, 2005

Now back in Winnipeg!

Its been a bit of a hectic week workwise, but its the weekend now, which is great! On Thursday night I went with Peg and co to some "Folkorama pavillions". Basically what happens is that countries set aside a hall and do a song/dance and serve the local food for that country. Its actually pretty well organised and there are like 26 different countries doing it. I went to the "African" one and the Israeli one.

The "African" pavillion was ok, very commercialised as you can imagine, with lots of dancing and drumming etc. Didn't want to burst too many people's bubbles, but it was NOTHING like the stuff I have seen in Zim or elsewhere in Africa. And the food was basically stewed beef and samosas (they dont call them samoosas here, and they also dont pronounce it with an "oo" its an "o" - so when I tried to order one the other day I got some v strange looks!!)

The Israeli one was also pretty good, but I am sure just as commercialised as the African one. Enjoyed it none-the-less. Last night (Friday) I looked after Rick's kids, coz their eldest, Robert is now the "legal-age" to baby sit, so I was jst there in case something horribly wrong happened. They are such good kids really, polite and friendly, so was actually a pleasure. I stayed the night at Ricks place afterwards, and today (Sat) we are going to Gimli, which is on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Its basically like a beach town I have been told. If you have time sometime, to
understand how big Lake Winnipeg is, have a look at it's size in comparison to somewhere like Kariba. Kariba is 5,580.00 km2 (thanks to some Googling) and Lake Winnipeg is 24,500.00 km2 - around 4 and a half times as big!!

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